Monday, April 17, 2006
Rakers Wins 2nd in Division Contest
The Tri-County Toastmasters club met on Thursday 4-6-06 at the Virden Area Community Center. Club members present at Thursday’s meeting were: Les Apps, Dr. Todd Austin, Jim Blankenship from New Berlin, Rev. Ron Grimes, Jackie Rakers and Billy Watkins. Two guests, John Davidson and Lauren Apps, were also present.
Todd Austin served as the Toastmaster (or master of ceremonies) of thursday’s meeting. Jackie Rakers conducted the impromptu speaking portion of the program, during which each participant was given a question, each on a different topic. Each participant then gave a one to two minute response.
The evening’s prepared speaker was Ron Grimes. His talk was a special occasion speech where he was to present an award. Grimes is currently working from a Toastmasters advanced speaking manual.
Then on Saturday 4-8-06, Jackie Rakers was awarded 2nd place at the Division C Toastmasters International Speech Contest, which was held in Springfield, IL. Rakers has been a member of Toastmasters for approximately 10 months.
The Toastmasters club will next meet on Thursday April 20, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center at 105 West Jackson Street in Virden. The scheduled speaker for next meeting is Jim Blankenship CFP, who will be discussing "Balancing College and Retirement Planning". "Guests and new members are always welcome to attend our club meetings, which are devoted to helping area residents to develop and fine-tune both their communication and leadership skills" states club vice president Les Apps. For more information about the Toastmasters program, please call 965-3100.
Tri-County Toastmasters Club president Rev. Ron Grimes (left) welcomed John Davidson from Carlinville as a guest at thursday’s meeting. Davidson is a member of the Carlinville "Marty Rogers Toastmasters Club" who announced his intentions to join the Tri-County Club as well.
Area 1 Governor Eileen Kluckman (left) presents Tri-County club member Jackie Rakers with her 2nd place trophy at saturday’s Division C Contest. Rakers presented her motivational speech entitled "What’s Important In Life?"
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Tri-County member wins 2nd place in Toastmasters Area speech contests
Dr. Todd Austin from Virden was the master of ceremonies for both contests. Sharon Thornton Knop served as the pattern speaker for the evaluation contest. Knop’s prepared speech was called "Stress Management". Each evaluation contestant then had 3 minutes to deliver an evaluation of her speech.
For the Speech Contest, each participant had from 5 to 7 minutes to deliver a (serious) prepared speech. Jackie Rakers of the Tri-County club was awarded second place for her inspirational speech entitled "What’s Important In Life". Rakers also took home second place in the evaluation contest.
First and second place Area 1 contest winners, including Rakers, will be eligible to compete at the next highest level in the Division C Contests which will be held on Saturday 4-8-06 in Springfield.
Other Tri-County club members who helped out with the contest were Ron Grimes and Les Apps who both served as judges and Alan Saeger who served as the timer.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club will hold their next regular club meeting on Thursday, April 6th at 6:30 p.m. at the Virden Area Community Center at 105 West Jackson Street in Virden.
"This was an awesome opportunity to observe some proficient speakers in action." said Club president Ron Grimes. "Attending a speech contest serves as a great introduction to what the Toastmasters program can do for people, by turning ordinary men and women into confident speakers that feel comfortable before an audience of any size!" For more info about Toastmasters contact club Public Relations officer Todd Austin at 965-3100.

Toastmasters Area 1 Governor Eileen Kluckman (left) presents Jackie Rakers of Tri-County Toastmasters with a 2nd place trophy. Rakers took home 2nd place in both the Evaluation Contest and the Speech Contest.