Sunday, October 19, 2008
Toastmasters Hold ‘Halloween’ Theme Meeting 10/16/2008

Dr. Todd Austin from Virden was the prepared speaker at Thursday’s Tri-County Toastmasters ‘Halloween’ themed meeting.

Austin, a Bat Conservation International (BCI) member shared approximately 100 bat photos (from BCI founder Dr. Tuttle and from Austin’s own work with bats) during his presentation to the Toastmasters club. It was the same 23-minute presentation that he will give to first grade students later this month.

Austin, a Bat Conservation International (BCI) member shared approximately 100 bat photos (from BCI founder Dr. Tuttle and from Austin’s own work with bats) during his presentation to the Toastmasters club. It was the same 23-minute presentation that he will give to first grade students later this month.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club met on Thursday 10-16-08 at the Virden Area Community Center. The theme of the meeting was the upcoming “Halloween” holiday. Club members present at Thursday’s meeting were: Les Apps from Girard, Todd Austin, Jim Blankenship, John Davidson, Liz Mollett, Casey Tom and Bill Watkins. One guest, Ava Austin, was also present.
Liz Mollett from Auburn served as the meeting’s master of ceremonies. Jim Blankenship from New Berlin served as the Topicmaster. Blankenship conducted the impromptu speaking portion of the program with all questions based on Halloween. Each participant then gave a 1 to 2 minute impromptu response to his or her particular question.
The evening’s prepared speaker was Dr. Todd Austin from Virden, IL. His powerpoint
presentation which was entitled “Halloween, Vampires & Other Bats” is the one that he will deliver to approximately 80 first grade students later this month. Austin has been involved with bat conservation work, bat house research and bat rescue and has been a member of Bat Conservation International since 1990. His enthusiasm for bats has earned him the nickname
"The Bat Doctor". John Davidson evaluated Austin’s informative and entertaining presentation, during which Austin dispelled many myths about the world’s only flying mammals.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Toastmasters Hold Theme Meeting 10/2/2008

The Tri-County Toastmasters club met on Thursday 10-2-08 at the Virden Area Community Center. The theme of the meeting was a combination of the ‘2008 Political Race’ and the recent ‘U.S. Government Financial Bailout’. Club members present at Thursday’s meeting were: Dr. Todd Austin from Virden, Jim Blankenship, Liz Mollett from Auburn and Bill Watkins. One
guest, Alan Saeger, was also present.
Todd Austin served as the meeting’s master of ceremonies. Liz Mollett conducted a Tabletopics (the impromptu speaking portion of the program) session with most questions based on the ’08 elections and the financial bailout. Each participant then gave a 1 to 2 minute impromptu response to his particular question.
The evening’s first prepared speaker was Jim Blankenship. His speech was the fourth out of five projects in the Toastmasters Advanced Communication manual on ‘Humorously Speaking’. Blankenship, a Certified Financial Planner from New Berlin, delivered a talk called “Bank On This!” that informed the audience about the recent bailout while also using quite a bit of humor to get the message across.
The second prepared speech was given by Alan Saeger. His talk about the upcoming election was subtitled “A Lesson Against Media Bias”.