Thursday, January 19, 2006

Dawn Boyer Wins 3rd at District 8 TM Conference

Two Tri-County Toastmasters club members, Virden’s Dr. Todd Austin and Auburn’s Dawn Boyer attended the District 8 Conference, which was recently held in Fairview Heights, IL. District 8 of Toastmasters is comprised of the southern half of Illinois as well as the eastern half of Missouri.

The District 8 Humorous Speech and Table Topics (impromptu speaking) contests were held over the weekend, as were the District 8 business meeting and several educational sessions. Dawn Boyer, last month’s Division C Humorous Speech Contest winner, had the privilege of competing in the District Contest. She was awarded third place with her speech entitled "My Summer Vacation".

Both Boyer and Austin had the privilege of meeting the 2003 World Champion of Public Speaking, Jim Keys from Dallas, Texas. Keys was the keynote speaker at the conference, as well the master of ceremony for the humorous speech contest.

The Tri-County Toastmasters club will next meet on Thursday December 15, 2005at 6:30 p.m. at Blankenship Financial Planning at 116 West Illinois Streetin New Berlin. "Guests and new members are always invited to come watch one of our club meetings" states club president Rev. Ron Grimes, "If you would like more info on Toastmasters, please call (217) 965-3100."

Toastmasters (from left) District 8 Lt. Governor of Education Dan Darnall presents Tri-County member Dawn Boyer an award for 3rd place in the District 8 Humorous Speech Contest. Also pictured are District 8 Lt. Gov. of Marketing Barbara Kryvko and District Governor Mary Kerwin.

Tri-County Toastmaster members Dawn Boyer (center) and Todd Austin (right) had the honor of meeting special guest, Jim Key, the "2003 World Champion of Public Speaking" at the recent Toastmasters Fall Conference.

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