Sunday, April 08, 2007
Toastmasters Club 10th Anniversary Party a Success

At Thursday’s special Tri-County Toastmasters club 10th anniversary meeting, club vice-president Todd Austin (left) welcomed Michelle Lynn as a guest. Lynn is a State Farm agent from Chatham.
The Tri-County Toastmasters held a special 10th anniversary party meeting on Thursday, April 5th. Div. C Governor Eileen Kluckman was the evenings’ Toastmaster. Alan Saeger served as the Tabletopic master.
Mary Mitchell became the club’s newest member during the meeting. Guests in attendance were Virden Chamber president Debbie Kershaw, potential member Michelle Lynn and four members of Springfield’s McBrian Lincoln Douglas Toastmasters Club.
The evening’s prepared speaker was John Davidson. Davidson spoke about the ‘First Chapter of Genesis’ which was very timely with Easter being just a few days away. Davidson’s speech, a project from the ‘Speaking to Inform’ advanced manual, was evaluated by Jackie Rakers. Jim Blankenship of New Berlin served as the General Evaluator.
Two of the clubs charter members, Todd Austin and Billy Watkins, performed a special recognition ceremony briefly honoring aproximately 40 people who had contributed to the club’s success over it’s first decade. Refreshments and a special Toastmasters club anniversary cake were also served.
The Toastmaster club will next meet on Thursday April 19th at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center at 105 West Jackson Street in Virden. The scheduled speakers for that meeting are Jackie Rakers and John Davidson. Club Vice-President of Education Liz Mollett from Auburn says "Guests and new members are always welcome to attend our meetings". For more information about Toastmasters, please call 217-965-3100.