Monday, October 01, 2007
Tri-County Toastmasters welcome two guests

Club vice-president Todd Austin (center) welcomed 2 guests at Thursday’s Toastmasters meeting: Dave Tonry and Renee Lyons.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club met on Thursday, September 20, 2007 in Virden. Todd Austin was the evening’s Toastmaster. Austin also conducted the table topics or impromptu speaking portion of the program, which consisted of questions on the subject of "moving". Austin also welcomed two guests at the meeting: Dave Tonry, a hynotherapist from Jacksonville, and Renee Lyons who runs a hair salon in Waverly. At the conclusion of the meeting, Tonry joined, becoming the club’s newest member.
The evening’s prepared speaker was Jim Blankenship from New Berlin, formerly of Nokomis. His persuasive speech was entitled "Join Toastmasters", and was an advanced manual project. His speech was evaluated by Alan Saeger.
Austin presented the word-of-the-week, which was "exiguous" meaning small, scanty or meager.
The Toastmaster club will next meet on Thursday October 4, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the Virden Area Community Center at 105 W. Jackson St. in Virden. "Our club and the entire Toastmasters International organization are devoted to making success in public speaking a worldwide reality" says club president Les Apps. "Guests and new members are always welcome to attend our club meetings" adds club public relations officer Todd Austin. For more info about Toastmasters call (217) 965-3100.