Sunday, September 28, 2008
9/18/08 Meeting

Auburn's Liz Mollett delivered an informative presentation about the Hangzhou Bridge called “Made in China” at Thursday’s Tri-County Toastmasters meeting.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club met on Thursday 9-18-08 at the Virden Area Community Center. Club members present at Thursday’s meeting were: Les Apps from Girard, Dr. Todd Austin from Virden, Jim Blankenship from New Berlin, Liz Mollett from Auburn, Casey Tom and Bill Watkins.
Jim Blankenship served as the meeting’s Toastmaster (master of ceremonies). Billy Watkins conducted a Tabletopics (the impromptu speaking portion of the program) session with no fixed theme. Each participant then gave a 1 to 2 minute impromptu response to a different question.
The evening’s prepared speaker was Liz Mollett. Her speech was the seventh project out of ten projects in the Toastmasters Basic Communication manual, which is about ‘researching your topic’. Mollett’s informative presentation entitled “Made In China” was about the Hangzhou Bridge and the state-of-the-art architecture and technology that went into building the structure. Les Apps evaluated her speech.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Two Toastmaster Clubs Train Officers in Virden

Springfield AIG Club members that attended the last Toastmasters joint meeting for officer training in Virden were (from left): Jim Blankenship who performed the training; Jacquiline Perkins -V.P. of Public Relations; Lois Fox – Treasurer; Sonja Terrell - V.P. of Education; Susan Smith – Secretary.

Tri-County Toastmaster Club officers trained at the last meeting were (from left): Secretary/Treasurer – Jim Blankenship; V.P. of Public Relations – Todd Austin; V.P. of Education & Membership – Liz Mollett.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club held a joint (officers training) meeting with Springfield’s AIG company club on Thursday 8-21-08 at the Virden Area Community Center.
Todd Austin from Virden served as the meeting’s master of ceremonies. Austin also conducted a ‘politics and sports’ themed Tabletopics (the impromptu speaking portion of the program). Each participant, from both clubs, gave a 1 to 2 minute impromptu response to a different question.
The evening’s prepared speaker, Jim Blankenship from New Berlin, is a dual member who belongs to both clubs. Blankenship has served as an officer in the Tri-County Club for over 4 years now. He also served as the liason between District 8 of Toastmasters International and AIG of Springfield in 2007. Thanks to having Blankenship as a founding (or charter) member, the AIG club is now one of Area 1’s newest Toastmaster clubs. Blankenship gave a special officer training presentation entitled “Officers training & The Club Success Plan” during which he explained in detail all of the officer positions observed by Toastmasters clubs. Liz Mollett from Auburn evaluated his special presentation.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club will next meet on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at the Virden Area Community Center. For more information about the Toastmasters program, or about joining or attending a club meeting, please call (217) 965-3100 or send e-mail to