Saturday, September 06, 2008
Two Toastmaster Clubs Train Officers in Virden

Springfield AIG Club members that attended the last Toastmasters joint meeting for officer training in Virden were (from left): Jim Blankenship who performed the training; Jacquiline Perkins -V.P. of Public Relations; Lois Fox – Treasurer; Sonja Terrell - V.P. of Education; Susan Smith – Secretary.

Tri-County Toastmaster Club officers trained at the last meeting were (from left): Secretary/Treasurer – Jim Blankenship; V.P. of Public Relations – Todd Austin; V.P. of Education & Membership – Liz Mollett.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club held a joint (officers training) meeting with Springfield’s AIG company club on Thursday 8-21-08 at the Virden Area Community Center.
Todd Austin from Virden served as the meeting’s master of ceremonies. Austin also conducted a ‘politics and sports’ themed Tabletopics (the impromptu speaking portion of the program). Each participant, from both clubs, gave a 1 to 2 minute impromptu response to a different question.
The evening’s prepared speaker, Jim Blankenship from New Berlin, is a dual member who belongs to both clubs. Blankenship has served as an officer in the Tri-County Club for over 4 years now. He also served as the liason between District 8 of Toastmasters International and AIG of Springfield in 2007. Thanks to having Blankenship as a founding (or charter) member, the AIG club is now one of Area 1’s newest Toastmaster clubs. Blankenship gave a special officer training presentation entitled “Officers training & The Club Success Plan” during which he explained in detail all of the officer positions observed by Toastmasters clubs. Liz Mollett from Auburn evaluated his special presentation.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club will next meet on Thursday September 18, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at the Virden Area Community Center. For more information about the Toastmasters program, or about joining or attending a club meeting, please call (217) 965-3100 or send e-mail to