Sunday, February 15, 2009
Central IL Toastmasters Attend Officers Training.

Members of both Montgomery County & Tri-County Toastmasters Clubs received officers training at the IDOT building in Springfield on Saturday 2-14-09. Officers trained were (from left): Mont-Co. President Jackie Rakers; Ashley Lawrence; Bill Guthrie; District 8 Governor Tony Gartner; Tri-Co. V.P. of Public Relations Todd Austin; Tri-Co. Secretary/Treasurer – Jim Blankenship; Mont-Co. V.P. of P.R. – Kim Noyes.

Todd Austin, a veteran Toastmasters officer and member of the Tri-Country Club, was one of ten scheduled speakers at Saturdays Toastmasters Leadership Instutute. Austin gave a 50-minute PowerPoint presentation entitled “How to be an Effective Vice President of Public Relations”
Both Tri-County and Montgomery County Toastmasters club officers attended the Division C Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) at the IDOT building in Springfield on Saturday 2-14-09. Officers from approximately 15 Division C attended the training sessions. Division C, also known as the ‘Prairie Division’ is made up of a large area that includes 42 Illinois counties.
Dr. Todd Austin from Virden served as one of ten scheduled presenters at the TLI. Austin, the first President of the Tri-County Club and a former Area 1 Governor, has been a member of five Toastmasters clubs dating back to 1994, has been a founding member of two clubs (including Tri-County), and has served as Vice President of Public Relations in two different clubs for a total of 12 years (the past 10 with Tri-County).
Jim Blankenship, a financial planner from New Berlin, is a veteran officer with the Tri-County Club. He is also a founding and current member of the AIG (Company) Club in Springfield.
Also attending the TLI were Bill Guthrie, Ashley Lawrence, Brenda Masters-Stout, Kim Noyes & Jackie Rakers, who are all current officers of the new Montgomery County Club which meets in Hillsboro twice per month on Tuesday evenings.
The Tri-County Toastmasters club will next meet on Thursday February 19, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at the Virden Area Community Center. The Montgomery County club meets on the first and third Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Rooster Inn in Hillsboro. For more information about the Toastmasters program, or about joining or attending a club meeting, please call (217) 965-3100 or send e-mail to